Sunday 14 December 2008

Brief 3 | Presentation Feedback

10.12. - Final Presentation for Brief 3

The presentation summarizing our RED BULL journey lasting 3 weeks was all in all very satisfying. We made clear to the audience how iMazing was adding value to the brand the evolutionary and revolutionary way. The Big Idea was conveyed very explicitly.
For the individual part, we should have talked more about influences and research. Pink Bull logo should be developped further more and specifying the target audience. For a pitch at DesignBridge we have to decided to go ahead with one brand in the revolutionary process rather than introducing both, to prevent them from competing with each other.

Sunday 7 December 2008

RSA Contest 08 - Postage Stamps

Postage Stamps - alternative energy sources & energy conservation

With debate around many current sources of power, alternative energy may provide the way forward. Its development focuses on increasing the proportion of energy obtained from renewable resources in an effort to ease the impact on climate change.

The aim of the brief is to design a set of stamps that will bring attention to this issue and promote awareness about alternatives. Contributions from designers, illustrators, photographers, typographers and painters, as well as collaborative projects, are welcome.

My final boards:

Brief 3 | Packaging Design

Final Packaging Design for the individual brands:

Saturday 6 December 2008

Brief 3 | Red Bull Promo

Red Bull unique Fridge:

unique shape of fridge very suitable for clubs and with a distinctive look.

Red Bull Packaging Design:

Eco friendly and sustainable packaging is the core.

Brief 3 | Red Bull Gold Ad Campaign

Poster series created for the Red Bull Gold Ad Campaign:

Main focus on 'winner mentality' and representing olympics.

Brief 3 | Pink Bull Poster Campaign

Poster series created for the Pink Bull Ad Campaign:

Is around the theme of awareness and representing the uniqueness of the drink.

Brief 3 | Pink Bull

Pink Bull targeting the female / gay audience, I was looking to combine feminine attributes, but a design what would address gay people too, but also focusing on typography. I was looking at already existing 'women' drinks and exiting BULL ads:

I reflected back on these and figured out what I liked most about these samples: sharpness combines with feminie touch. I started drawing out first ideas:
And then implement it in Illustrator:
After talking with my group about these different ideas, we chose for the Pink Bull Logo with the pink shaded bull and the typeface underneath, whereas the LL in bull is facing each other representing the bulls horns.

Brief 3 | Baby Bull

For the kids drink I was looking for something where the younger audience can identify a symbol quite easily and tried to symplify the identitf and logo for it.
I was looking at existing drinks like innocent, fruit shoot, capri sun and how they reflect their product identity.

Our product in this case was BABY BULL. I tried to emphasize this typographically:

Even without the background there was something missing:
I did not like the first outcome, too close to the actual existing Red Bull brand. I concentrated more on the typography. Tried to breakdown the letters:
The bull logo is made out of the letter B U L L...

Brief 3 | Group structure / Allocating

We then went ahead with structuring our schedule and managing the internal timeplan as well as individually.

Jacub working on Red Bull Gold (same for Sugarfree/Cola with minor changes), Lucy on Luv Bull and me on Pink Bull / Baby Bull.

Brief 3 | Evolution & Revolution

Since our brief is to develop two different approaches reflecting evolution and revolution, iMazing decided to seperate these two from each other and to be more creative in the revolution part and corporate with the evolution part. We broke down the key components of each and the main subbrands of the individual part.

For the evolution part, the big idea was the 'go for gold' winner mentality behind with an allusion towards olympics and replacing the ingredients with healthy nutrition. Furthermore, to differentiate between Red Bull Original/Sugarfree/Cola we decided to change the scan for each one, Original being in a triangle form, Sugarfree Round(ish) and Cola Rectangular(ish). Besides this, the can colour is PURE white and within this, our target audience is wider.

The revolutionary approach is the more creative one. Here the core is to create three complete new drinks with specifying 'new' target audiences. Pink Bull being the drink for women/gays, Baby Bull for kids and Luv Bull functioning as a sexual performance boost. The big idea being the new shape of the can including a revolutionary twist open function, so the can is reusable. This is more like a mix of a can and a bottle. Research proves there is not such a drink released yet. Besides this, Pink Bull working with Breast Cancer Foundation, Baby Bull with Teenage Cancer Trust and Luv Bull sponsoring Testicular Cancer (:::Adding Value:::).

Brief 3 | Red Bull + & -

- very strong brand recognition
- simple and unique colour scheme
- revolutionary can shape
- leading brand
- dominating clubbing scene worldwide
- high positive representation of extreme sports
- consistancy
- public popular sponsorships with special red bull events

- has not changed ID for more than 22 years
- competitors increasing market shares
- often seen as a masculine drink
- distinctive taste
- dangerous to mix with alcohol, but very popular amongst club scene
- unhealthy
- pricy

mission statement:
"We are dedicated to upholding Red Bull standards, while maintaining the leadership position in the energy drinks category when delivering superior customer service in a highly efficient and profitable manner. We create a culture where employees share best practices dedicated to coaching and developing our organisation as an employer of choice."

Brief 3 | Red Bull Mind Map(s)

To break down the key facts around red bull, the use of a mind map is helpful.

Brief 3 | Red Bull Analyze

Red Bull specializes in energy drinks. The Red Bull Company also distributes and markets a number of other drinks in the United Kingdom including the Carpe Diem range of herbal soft beverages and the Sabai Wine Spritzer. The original Thai Krafting Daeng is often available in many Asian grocery stores in New Zealand, Australia, and Canada. It’s usually cheaper than the domestic (mainstream Red Bull) variety.

The majority of consumers are using Red Bull as a vitamin supplement or energy stimulant in place of preferred stimulants such as ginseng, no doze pills, energy bars, and Ma Huang. Red Bull, with its liquid B-vitamin supplement, competes in the niche market for vitamins and is competing with the larger pharmaceutical companies.

Red Bull is also competing indirectly with various drink mixers such juice, sour mix, and tonic. The most infamous drink mixer use is the Jagarbomb. Red Bull initially marketed its energy drinks to the average club-goers. However, due to various health concerns and fatal incidents associated with Red Bull when mixed with alcohol, explicit warnings have been placed on product labels discouraging improper use.
Red Bull devised an innovative marketing approach to mainly target the young adult and consumers seeking an energy boost. As with any successful business, Red Bull is truly committed to creating superior value to the customers in its market orientation. Red Bull, being first to exploit the energy drinks market, pursues a mix of product oriented and consumer pre-occupied market oriented market strategy.

"In terms of attracting new customers and enhancing consumer loyalty, Red Bull has a more effective branding campaign than Coke or Pepsi," says Nancy F. Koehn, professor of business administration at Harvard Business School and author of Brand New: How Entrepreneurs Earned Consumers' Trust from Wedgwood to Dell[v]. "Red Bull is building a beverage brand without relying on the essential equipment of a mass-marketing campaign. Perhaps the indispensable tools of marketing aren't so indispensable after all."
Red Bull essentially threw the traditional marketing book out the window. Their highly acclaimed strategy has been described as: Grassroots, guerilla, word-of-mouth, underground, buzz-marketing and without a doubt, successful.

Target audience:
Red Bull targets young adult consumer ages 16 – 29, young urban professionals, and post secondary school students. Red Bull created strategic program to attract post-secondary students by providing them free cases of drink and convincing them to throw party and also, targeting club goers by stocking Red Bull at the clubs. This viral campaign created a noticeable effect by boasting sales. Supported by sleek advertising, it came out with small silver blue can to attract young urban professionals who prefer stylish life, providing another reason to drink Red Bull, the style, as suggested by the advertisement slogan, “Red Bull Gives You Wings”.

Red Bulls distribution strategy was, like all else, atypical. Instead of targeting the largest distributors with the greatest reach Red Bull targeted small distributors who often became exclusively Red Bull distributors. They even went to the extreme of hiring teenagers / college students and giving them vans to distribute the product. Small independent venues were also the first targets. Red Bull would find the small bars, restaurants and stores and give them a small cooler to sell the beverage from. This was preferred rather than dealing with the demands of the larger stores, who eventually were begging to sell the product.

Urban Legend/Mythical Status:
One effective brand builder was not initiated by the company. Red Bull faced many obstacles in gaining regulatory approval in several countries because of their unique ingredients. During this time a rumor circulated that the taurine used came from bull’s testicles and Red Bull was “liquid Viagra”, which made the drink even more mystic. Adding to the allure was the fact that the beverage has actually been banned in several countries such as France and Denmark.


Brief 3 | Red Bull Brainstorm

Red Bull!!! THE Energy drink and most distinctive revolutionary shape in the history of beverage. What made us decide to rebrand Red Bull?
For me personally it is the high level of challenge to work on a project like this. The drink itself is so successful worldwide, but with increasing numbers of competitors.

Red Bull, founded in 1984 by Deitrich Mateschitz and Chaleo Yoovidhya, is headquartered in Austria. In 2006, Red Bull generated over €2,6 billion (euros) in 2007 throughout the world with the help of its’ 3,903 employees.

The origin of Red Bull dates back to 1962 where the original formula was developed by Chaleo Yoovidhya, a Thai businessman, and sold under the name Krating Daeng by a local pharmaceutical company to treat jetlag and boost energy for truck drivers.

Red Bull is sold as an energy drink to combat mental and physical fatigue. A sugar-free version has been available since the beginning of 2003. The drink tastes of citrus and herbs, and is commonly used as a mixer in alcoholic drinks such as Raspberry Stoli Vodka or base ingredient in the famous Jagerbomb. It has become extremely popular over the recent years with almost 1 billion 250ml cans sold in 2000 to more than 3 billion cans sold in 2007 in over 130 countries.

Red Bull, despite being widely known as an energy drink, has other uses such as a coffee, tea, and soda substitute; vitamin/energy supplement; and mixer for alcohol. Quite surprisingly, some use Red Bull as a substitute to illegal drugs such as Ecstasy, Cocaine, and Speed according to “German Moms United”. Although Red Bull is not actively marketing in these indirect competing markets as in the original intended markets, it’s perceived by consumers to be a competitive product.

video source: The Can from Carlos Lascano on Vimeo.
information source:!41B8958BE6D!436.entry

Brief 3 | iMazing

At this point, after deciding to rebrand Red Bull, iMazing is back on track with all the members on board again. Jakub and me were kind enough to allow Lucy to be back as iMazing. So finally, iMazing is going to give Red Bull a new face.

Brief 3 | First ideas

So we individually researched different beverage companies. After getting together we decided to go for red bull, since this is a challenging rebranding opportunity and they have not changed their ID for more than 20 years.

Brief 3 | Brainstorm session

My initial brainstorm session for this project. I thought of brands/companies which have a bad reputation or have NOT changed their image/ID for a long period of time.
After talking to my other teammembers, we decided to rebrand a beverage company, due to the vast amount of possibilities to work on the shape of the can/bottle, revolutionize the core idea, and packaging design etc. which can be very lucrative.